From a Damp Toontown Madness Start
to a Goofy’s Kitchen End!

Okay, so I had slept basically all day on Tuesday and felt almost human (with the help of an extra hot shower and a dose of Dayquil). We had another Disneyland day lined up with Toontown Morning Madness vouchers.
We had planned to get ourselves together and walk to McDonalds …for breakfast this time …heheh. Since Roxy doesn’t do breakfast usually and had done the long day with the kids the day before, she chose to get a little more sleep. So the kids and I got a move on and made the “big walk” through DTD and out of the park to the Mickey D’s.
Breakfast was okay and a large OJ did wonders for my throat. Still I was not quite up to par so I handed the camera to Kris as we made our way into the park. Here’s me and Bean as we made our way through security

We made our way in pretty quickly and were soon rolling past the big Mickey Pumpkin.

The kids still weren’t interested in getting their picture taken and we were getting close to opening time in Toontown so we strolled on (Bean will LOVE me for posting the “duh” look she has going, but oh well …hehehe)

Bean wanted to try and pull the sword from the anvil so we strolled through the castle and on to it. Bean went first

Then Pumpkin Girl

And Kris gave it his best too

We got back on track and walked past IaSW

And then we were up to the gates, handing over our vouchers, and in to Toontown. Everyone was already gathering over in front of City Hall so we found a pretty good spot and waited. It was kind of nice having Kris doing the camera work because we got some pictures of me in the parks before he handed it back!

Soon enough it was time to start the show. Here they came!

I’m sure the CM on the left is a really nice guy, but he kinda creeped me out. Just a bit too intense with his manic smile – lol

The emcee CM came forward and got things rolling

He said his speil and introduced Mickey

Mickey couldn’t remember where his speech was

Then Goofy came up with it

Mickey started reading…

…a grocery list π
The CM looks it over to verify

Oh noooo!

So Mickey decided to wing it

Great speech and then he introduced the Toontown Honorary Family

There they are – happy happy

After that they wrapped it up and handed out our Toontown Citizens buttons and scavenger hunt info and we were on our way …straight into the gift shop because it has started to rain harder than just a drizzle.
We then started making the rounds. First stop – JAIL!

Pumpkin Girl proved how strong she was

Kris was just taking it all in

Ye ole Roger Rabbit fountain

And on into Roger Rabbit’s Cartoon Spin! Toontown street under construction

Baby Huey and his stogie


Jessica’s dressing room

Kyra and I jumped in one car and Kris and Bean got in the other.
Watch out Roger!

Kris and Bean were having fun

The Doctor’s mad experiments

Hang on Roger!


Still trying to figure how the hanging pink elephant fit in with the whole thing

Darn those weasels!

Thanks Roger π

Kris took a quick rest

Bean and Pumpkin Girl had to give it a try too

We strolled back up towards the houses and they took turns sitting in Mickey’s car

What do you wish for?

The line was long to go into Minnie’s house and non-existent for Mickey’s. I said I would wait in the line for Minnie’s while they went through Mickey’s house. But little did they know that Mickey was waiting for them somewhere back in there …hehehe.
Here are some of the shots they captured on their way through
Pluto’s Dog Door

Happy Radio

Any messages for me?

Kris and bean jammed on the piano

Bean warms herself by the fire

Kyra takes a seat

Bean snuggles into Pluto’s dog bed

Mickey’s cleaning supplies

A note from Mickey

Out into the “yard” we find Pluto’s doghouse

Bean hugging a birthday cake and looking distracted


Painting in progress

Bean on a crazy pipe organ

Cartoons while you wait

Bean makes it to Mickey, who plays Peek-a-Boo with the camera. I swear, she brings out the silliness with the characters

Pumpkin Girl’s turn with Mickey

While they were inside I got a call from Roxy saying she was in the park and heading our way. The kids were still in Mickey’s when Roxy showed up, so the two of us were just hanging out in Mickey’s house when Pluto and Goofy came strolling in!
We texted the kids to let them know and then Roxy took a shot of me with Goofy

Then the kids caught up with us so it was their turn

Then it was on around the corner to Pluto!

Bean was first up

Bean got her autograph book signed and they struck a pose

Then it was Pumpkin Girl’s turn

Then Pluto got distracted by the TV …hehehe

Kris got his attention for a quick shot

We already had the Mickey pics so we backtracked out the front (luckily it wasn’t very crowded) and started exploring. Roxy got in line for Minnie, Kris and Bean headed for Donald’s boat, and Kyra and I just kind of looked around.
We made the central fountain make honking noises, then Kyra tried the phone

Kris and Bean were still wandering through the boat and made it to the rail

I took a shot of the Toontown logo behind Mickey’s and did some more wandering

By this time the rain had slacked off and girls worked their way over to Roxy and they all made their way in to see Minnie

Then it was time to explore Minnie’s house – make up time!

Is the cake done?

Time to do the dishes

I think someone needs to do some defrosting

NOW the cake is done!

It is a cosy kitchen for sure

Time for tea

Back to the wishing well …this time without the rain ponchos

By this time Kris and I had gotten our fill of Toontown so we set out for Fantasyland. The girls wanted to explore some more of Toontown so Roxy stayed with them.
Bean really loved the firehouse dalmation that popped out of the window and barked at her

The girls found the plunger for the fireworks factory


While the girls were having fun in Toontown, Kris and I headed down into Fantasyland. There was no line for Pinocchio, so we jumped on board.
After that my throat was starting to feel pretty raw and I didn’t want to put another lozenge in so we made a beeline for the Dole Whip stand where I picked up a pineapple juice and Kris had a float. From there we wandered through shops towards Adventureland with the Shooting Gallery as our goal.
Meanwhile the ladies decided to take another ride on Roger Rabbit’s Cartoon Spin. They got some cool shots that I had missed. Is that Jessica or that crazy imposter?

Don’t knock in that door – the gorilla bouncer from the club will answer and not be happy!

Oh, no – the weasels!

There they go with the Dip

Girls spinning

There’s Jessica, what a looker!

And seeing the text already in the background I couldn’t help but do a little photoshop manip on the letting for the benefit of Pumpkin Girl …heheheh

Love this shot of the girls hats poking over the back of the car

And a parting shot by the weasel

They left Toontown and took a quick shot near the Matterhorn

By then Kris and I had had finished at the shooting gallery …I was happy to see me ole military marksman skills were still there and hit everything except the train that goes by in the very back.
We met up with the ladies by the Matterhorn and Kris and I kicked back on a bench while they rode the left side. From there we went to Tomorrowland. We were contemplating Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy when my alarm went off on my phone, telling me it was time to head back to the hotel to meet the Vons deliver guy with our food.
So I hit the monorail and zipped back to DLH. The rest of the fam hit Space Mountain

Heading inside

Kris has gotta Kris

And Kyrahat kicking in the tunes

They really enjoyed the Halloween special effects but Roxy said that riding it once was enough for her. They then moved on to Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, which was campy fun as usual.
After that it was a trip onto Buzz Blasters.

Another fun time and when they got off Roxy got the call from me that the food was in and it was time for lunch!
They hopped onto the monorail for the trip back to DTD

I was waiting on the balcony when they were walking up and Roxy got a shot of me waving from up on the 11th floor

We had a nice lunch and just kicked back for a bit. Roxy was feeling worse so she decided to lay down for an afternoon nap. I was fed, and as rested as I was going to get, so I popped a fresh dose of Dayquil in me so I told the kids I’d take them back to the park.
I did have to send a quick PM to jordanyosh to let him know I’d have to cancel our DISmeet at 7pm at ESPN π I just knew I wouldn’t have anything left at the end of the day and I don’t drink at all when I’m sick. Next time bud!
Before leaving the park, Roxy had been watching out for us and had picked up FastPasses for Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy – yay baby!
We gathered up and headed in, making a beeline from the monorail station to Space Mountain

It was a fun ride and I’m glad it did it, lots of cool effects in there. If anything just to check it off on behalf of the kid in me that had been denied it twice.
Here’s a shot of us on our ride

From there I wanted to take a trip on Buzz Blasters and the wait was only 10 minutes, so on we went. After that we split up, with Pumpkin Girl and Kris taking a ride on Star Tours and Bean and I heading for the Astro Orbiter.
The line took longer for Astro, so Kris and Kyra came out and she joined us on the line and Kris took over the camera. He got some fun pics of us while we were waiting π

Then it was on to the ride – wheee!

Yay for some cool pics on it! By the time we finished I looked at the time and saw that it was getting close to our next bit of fun – Goofy’s Kitchen!!!
We did a bit of shopping in the gift shop at the exit of Buzz and then back to the monorail station we went. Kris took a couple of quick shots as we were walking up the ramp.

Then it was on the monorail again

He got a pretty good shot of ToT from the monorail as we went by it

and then we were strolling through DTD on our way to Goofy’s.

I had called Roxy when we were getting ready to leave Tomorrowland so she was in the room getting ready and would join us at the reception desk at Goofy’s.
We strolled under the hat

We walked across the DLH grounds and past a couple of the topiaries on our way to the entrance

We checked in and met up with Roxy and then had a seat while we waited for our name to be called. Kris was still taking pictures but had the “no flash” setting on, causing a couple of trippy pictures to come out – I appear to have earrings!

I helped him with the settings and he took another couple of shots of us. First Bean snuggling into Roxy’s lap

Then Pumpkin Girl and I

And then Bean livened up

Kris then took the camera and got some shots of the cool umbrella-style light fixtures in the ceiling of the entranceway

And then a shot of the castle mosaic underneath them

Then our name was called and in we went. First stop – a quick family pic with Minnie!

Then it was off to our seats. We had a good table with a view of the area in front of the food where the characters congregate. Soon enough Goofy was out there needing help to bake a cake. Of course the girls were up and ready to help ;-D

Bean got a can to help add ingredients

Pocahontas came up to lend a hand

Bean helped clean

And “bing!” we had a cake!

We headed back to our table and were soon greeted by Sleeping Beauty

And then came Pluto – what a lively pup!

He really loved Pumpkin Girlβs hat β¦hehehe

Our Pumpkin Girl retrieved her head from her hat, giggling all the way

Then Kris jumped in – Pluto is a fav of his

Then Kris sicced him on me – lol π

In bounded Goofy and made a beeline for Kyra’s hat too!

He rolled on to Bean …dontcha just love the beaming look in her eyes

Kris’s turn!

Then Pluto AND Goofy were back up front for a dance – wheeee!

I got Pumpkin Girl’s attention to see if she would get out and dance, but she was playing “the teen”, so was not amused π

Then Bean got a dance with Goofy – whoohoo!!!!

Back to our table and a visit from Dale – Roxy seemed happy to see him along with Bean

…and there goes the hat again – lolol

She kept focused and got her autograph book

…and there it goes again π

Quick pose

And hello Kris

Bean had to go to the bathroom but had been waiting for Chip, but he kept getting close and then turning off again. She finally went with Roxy escorting her and of course Chip showed up!

I had called Roxy and let her know he was there and we stalled as well as we could, but Chip had to move on

Bean came back and Chip was rotating to tables behind us and we waved to him and pointed at Bean. For a minute there he started to head the other way, but then came up to her

That was the end of our Goofy’s Kitchen evening. Kris had the camera again and took a couple of interesting pics of the hat

And of a band playing outside ESPN

We all headed up to the room and were showered, changed, and in bed by 10pm. Tomorrow was going to be a long one with park hopping and Mickey’s Trick or Treat Party …wheeeee!